Remember the game you used to play as kids to settle every score? Rock, Paper, Scissors? Well, did you know that game has a name and it’s Roshambo? Although usually referred to by the more direct Rock, Paper, Scissors moniker, we actually like the formality of the Roshambo title. It gives the game a little respect, which frankly we think it's earned after settling countless disagreements for half a century or more from petty schoolyard scuffles to government decisions (this last part isn’t verified but come on, you know it’s happened behind a closed door or two.) This collection of homes takes a similarly direct approach to living. You choose which one best reflects the way you want to live. These plans offer several different configurations of space and none of it is wasted. Whether we build them all together or just choose a few all stars off the shelf, this collection always wins.*
*Several plans from this collection are actually award winning , that’s not just conjecture, it’s a fact.
Virtual Sales Ambassador
Contact us about Roshambo.
If you have questions, we have your answers. Our team can get you started on your dream home today! Call 984-217-3220 or fill out your contact information below.